Timika Chambers, CDE recommends this nutritious omelet with 5 ingredients. Try her recipe here! 


This recipe makes two servings:

  • ½ cup fresh mushrooms
  • 1 small tomato
  • ½ cup chopped onion
  • 2 cups raw spinach (or kale)
  • 3 large eggs


  1. Chop up each veggie to sizes you prefer.
  2. Whisk eggs in a bowl.
  3. Add mushrooms, tomato, onions and spinach to a skillet and sauté in 1 TBSP of olive oil. over medium heat.
  4. Once veggies are cooked, move to the center and pour the whisked eggs over the top.
  5. Fold and flip as it cooks to make the omelet look the way you want. Cut in half and serve. 

For a balanced breakfast, serve omelets with this Strawberry Green Smoothie!