At Diathrive, our mission is really simple.  We want to make life easier for people with diabetes.  First and foremost, we do this by providing hospital grade diabetic supplies at the lowest prices.  Additionally, we're building a community where people with diabetes can come for support, learn tips and tricks from others, or find their next favorite recipe.  This week, we want to focus on finding your next favorite recipe with a very special announcement.  Diathrive has partnered with Chef Robert Lewis from The Happy Diabetic to bring delicious, low-carb, diabetic-friendly recipes to your email inbox!

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You can view the announcement below recorded live at TCOYD - Spokane:

Chef Robert Lewis is a nationally renowned chef, author, speaker, and a person living with diabetes.  After graduating from the prestigious Culinary Institute of America, Chef Robert he spent many years developing recipes and training for Cracker Barrell.  He then spent 5 years running his own restaurants.  From there, Robert moved to Happy Joe's Pizza, where he has spent the past 25 years developing recipes and training other chefs at the 50+ Happy Joe's locations throughout the Midwest. 

In 1998, Robert was diagnosed with Type-2 Diabetes.  This diagnosis motivated Robert to learn how to create delicious, low-carb, diabetic-friendly recipes that were easy to prepare. Chef Robert's recipes, which are absolutely delicious, quickly became popular among the diabetic community which opened numerous opportunities to be a guest on local and national radio and television programs and recognition by diabetes organizations like Taking Control of Your Diabetes (TCOYD) where he travels the country as the keynote speaker for their health conferences. 

He has also worked with Sanofi, Abbott, Accu-Check-Roche, American Diabetes Association, Lyons Club International, Rotary Clubs, University of Wisconsin, Genesis Hospitals, Hy-Vee Grocery Stores, Kroger stores, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Hill and Valley sugar-free bakeries to name just a few! Everyone at Diathrive is excited to be working closely with Chef Robert, and we look forward to bringing you fun and easy recipes from him!