Middle-aged couple riding bikes

Time for some Fall Cleaning! Tidy up your health management plan with these 6 tips from Timika Chambers. 

August is one of the busiest months of the year. Some families take their final summer vacations, and many children return to school. It's easy for people, including people with diabetes (PWD), to get consumed with activities and put their health lower on the priority list. 

Instead, August is a great time to re-evaluate your health maintenance plan. Like spring cleaning, you can do some fall cleaning with your health. 

It's also easy to assume that the same health strategy will carry you throughout the year, but things change, including your body's needs. The quote by Secretary of State James Baker, "Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance,” sums things up nicely. Stay on top of your health to enjoy your life.

Here are six things you can do to tidy up your health maintenance plan.

6 Ways to Tidy Up Your Health Maintenance Plan

Schedule follow-up appointments

Schedule a follow-up appointment to see your healthcare providers for routine bloodwork, a head-to-toe, and to address any lingering concerns or issues. For example, will your current Diabetes Action plan (goal blood sugars and when to alert your healthcare provider) need to change? What changes do you need to make in your eating habits and physical activities? In addition, schedule your eye appointment and any other specialist appointments. Time your appointments so that you have enough medicines and supplies and reduce your risk of developing diabetes complications.

Check your meds

Check your medicine cabinets and refrigerator for expired or soon-to-be expired medications. You want your medications to work when you need them instead of causing potential problems.

Check your mail

Have there been any recent changes in your medical coverage with your health insurance? For example, are you taking advantage of your insurance mail order program or 90-day supply of medications and supplies? Has your copay changed? Are there any incentives your insurance offers for healthy behaviors?

Check your food

Check your kitchen cabinets and refrigerators for expired foods. Will the foods in your refrigerator support your healthy lifestyle? Do you have a plan for preparing healthy meals and snacks at home 80-90% of the time? 

Evaluate your activity

Evaluate your physical activity level.  Will you need to change your physical activity routine based on school or work hours or results from your blood work or other tests? What can you do to increase activity throughout your day?

Evaluate your life balance

How will you maintain balance in your life? For example, what activities do you do throughout the week just for you? What activities will you do with your family and friends?

Remember your health maintenance plan is a guide to help you achieve and sustain health. 

To Your Best Health & Life!