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Work with a Health Advisor to go from resolution regret to lasting change.

As the holiday season winds down, we take time to reflect on the year that’s closing out and look ahead to our hopes and aspirations for the year ahead.

Many of us also set health goals (or resolutions) for the new year. Things like making rest and relaxation a priority, eating more healthfully, exercising daily, and being more mindful about managing our diabetes get added to our to-do lists.

Unfortunately, all too often our hopeful beginnings soon run out of steam. And we are left disappointed that the changes we planned didn’t stick. The sting of regret can be all the more painful if this isn’t the first time our good intentions fall by the wayside.

However, this year can be different. 

Want to add exercise to your daily routine? Adopt a Mediterranean-style diet? Get eight hours of sleep regularly? Learn how to use a CGM? These are all healthy changes that take time and effort to achieve. And they are the kind of changes that can be made easier with a guide on the side. 

Through Diathrive Health you have access to that guide on the side. Our Health Advisors can provide you with extra support as you work toward your health goals. Along with giving you direct access to specialized expertise in diabetes care, they also provide encouragement and accountability along the way.

This extra support can be summed up in three steps: Consultation, Collaboration, and Celebration. 


Our Health Advisors have specialized expertise in diabetes care and medicine. They can help you with medication, diet, exercise, and mental health. They can also clarify what current best practices are in diabetes care.

By consulting with a Health Advisor, you have access to someone who is familiar with the daily challenges of diabetes care and can provide personalized, science-based medical information. This makes them a useful sounding board for understanding your options and prioritizing your efforts.


Working together, your Health Advisor can provide you with accountability. They are someone you can check in with regularly and share your updates. If your efforts get off track, they’re there to help you fine tune your plans going forward and get back on track. 


Recognizing progress made along the way reinforces habit changes. Too often we forget to take a moment and celebrate when we make improvements or meet a milestone. Our Health Advisors are there to cheer you on.

Preparing to Work with a Health Advisor

Before getting on your first call with a Health Advisor, here are a few prep steps to help make the best use of your time together.

Pick one thing to work on. Have one goal, or at least identify one aspect of your diabetes care that you want to focus on. Focusing on one change is more do-able than trying to change many things at once. If you’re not sure what to focus on, discuss your ideas with your Health Advisor. They can help you sort out what’s likely to have the most impact and align with your goals.

Think about both what you want to change and why. Your “why” is a source of ongoing motivation. The stronger your reason for wanting to change the more likely you are to keep at it.

Be honest and transparent. Things won’t always go as planned. Only by being honest and upfront about what’s happening can you solve the problem and move forward.

Schedule follow-up sessions. Make sure you have your next session scheduled before signing off from your current appointment. This will give you a solid checkpoint and help keep your momentum going.

Celebrate victories – small and large – along the way. Managing your health and diabetes care takes lifelong commitment. Acknowledging improvements made and goals reached along the way brings joy and energy to your efforts. 

Create Lasting Change This Year

You can make the healthful changes you desire. Working with a Health Advisor, as your guide on the side, you’ll have extra support to work through the challenges (when they happen), celebrate your improvements, and make those changes stick.